We’re halfway through!
Ready for Heart Strong Challenge #3? 

Remember:  Take a photo while doing one of the heart healthy behaviors and post it on Facebook or Instagram.  Tag it with #AdelanteHeartStrong and let us know @AdelanteHealthcare and you could win a free Heart Strong t-shirt and a $50 gift card!  Winners will be notified by 5pm each Monday during February. 

Week Three Challenge: Eat Strong

You don’t need a guilt trip. We know you know you should eat right. 

The good news is that eating healthy doesn’t have to mean dieting or giving up all the foods you love.

If you learn to ditch the junk and give your body the nutrient-dense fuel it needs, you’ll naturally build on those positive changes and start to Eat Strong and love every minute of it! 

Let’s look at what you should add first. 

Color Your World

An easy first step to eating healthy is to include fruits and vegetables at every meal and snack.

All forms (fresh, frozen, canned and dried) and all colors count, so go ahead and add color to your plate—and your life. 

The American Heart Association has some great information to help:

Other Healthy Staples

Other staples you’ll want to makes sure you are eating regularly are whole grains, beans and legums, nuts and seeds, fish (preferably oily fish with omega-3 fatty acids), plant-based and lean proteins. 

Visit the American Heart Association Healthy Eating page to learn more about each of these, creative ways to add them in and how to make eating right affordable.

Know Your Fats

Foods to watch include fats, sugar and salt.

Fats go in and out of fashion but are a nutrient we need in our diet – just not too much. 

Some good resources from the American Heart Association include:

Watch Added Sugar

Just like with fats, not all sugar is bad. Learn the difference between naturally occurring sugar and added sugar with these resources from the American Heart Association:

Don’t Forget Sodium

With 9 out of 10 Americans eating too much sodium, chances are good that you are among them.

Our friends at the American Heart Association have some guidance to help you Eat Strong:

As with all healthy habits, starting small and building on success is key.  So choose one or two of these ideas and start today!

And check back next Tuesday for our last Heart Strong Challenge!