You have probably heard about the proposed Medicaid expansion currently being backed by Arizona State Governor Jan Brewer. You’ve probably heard strong opinions aired by a variety of people and like many of us, you may feel you don’t know enough and if you have insurance through your employer, you may feel it doesn’t affect you, so why get involved?
The reality is that it does involve you.
The reality is that every day, thousands of Arizonans must seek basic, primary care at emergency rooms for medical treatment because they have no other place to go. Many of these people now have complicated problems that will use many resources because they weren’t addressed earlier when they might have been easily taken care of—again, because the person had no viable options to seek care.
Not only does this put a strain on our hospital networks—it also costs you money. The average family pays $2,000 in additional insurance premiums to cover the cost of this kind of care. That means you have less money to spend on the things you want to spend money on.
Those rising health care prices also affect each of us because when employers are spending more money on health insurance premiums, they spend less money on investing in new jobs.
Adelante Healthcare is committed to providing quality healthcare within each individual’s ability to pay, so we are on the front lines of weaving the safety net of health care that ensures our future. We strongly support the expansion and encourage you to take a few minutes to learn about the issue.
One good place to start is with Restoring Arizona and a video they did called “Do the Math”. You’ll find additional resources on their site to help you understand what is at stake.
But now is the time to decide.
The Arizona State Legislature will be voting on this in the next few days and it’s important that each of us voice our opinion to our elected officials.
To make it absolutely turnkey, just click here and enter your zip code and the Restoring Arizona website will automatically find the contact info for your representative.