Your passport to health

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Results: 51
Family Medicine

Vacuna Covid

Age range: Desde el nacimiento hasta los 65 años o más
What age to start: Nacimiento
How often to get this: Una vez al año
Adult Medicine

Covid Vaccine

Age range: Birth to 65+ years
What age to start: Birth
How often to get this: Once per year
Adult Medicine

Flu Vaccine

Age range: Birth to 65+ years
What age to start: Birth
How often to get this: Once per year
Family Medicine

4 Year WCC

Details: Dtap, Polio, MMR, Varicella
Age range: 3 to 17 years
What age to start: 4 years
How often to get this: Once
Family Medicine

11 Year WCC

Details: Tdap, MCV, HPV9
Age range: 3 to 17 years
What age to start: 11 years
How often to get this: Once
Family Medicine

16 Year WCC

Details: MCV, Men B
Age range: 3 to 17 years
What age to start: 16 years
How often to get this: Once
Family Medicine

Cholesterol Screening

Age range: 9 to 11 years
What age to start: 9 years
How often to get this: Once
Family Medicine

Covid Vaccine

Age range: Birth to 65+ years
What age to start: Birth
How often to get this: Once per year
Family Medicine

Flu Vaccine

Age range: Birth to 65+ years
What age to start: Birth
How often to get this: Once per year
Family Medicine

Mental Health Check

Age range: 12 to 65+ years
What age to start: 12 years
How often to get this: Once per year

Newborn Visit

Details: Hepatitis B
Age range: Newborn
What age to start: Newborn
How often to get this: Once

1 Month WCC

Details: Hepatitis B
Age range: 1 month
What age to start: 1 month
How often to get this: Once

2 Month WCC

Details: Dtap, Polio, HIB, Rotavirus, PCV13
Age range: 2 months
What age to start: 2 months
How often to get this: Once

4 Month WCC

Details: Dtap, Polio, HIB, Rotavirus, PCV13
Age range: 4 months
What age to start: 4 months
How often to get this: Once

6 Month WCC

Details: Dtap, Polio, HIB, Rotavirus, PCV13, Hep B
Age range: 6 months
What age to start: 6 months
How often to get this: Once

9 Month WCC

Age range: 9 months
What age to start: 9 months
How often to get this: Once

12 Month WCC

Details: MMR, Varicella, Hep A
Age range: 12 months
What age to start: 12 months
How often to get this: Once

15 Month WCC

Details: Dtap, HIB, Prevnar, PCV13
Age range: 15 months
What age to start: 15 months
How often to get this: Once

18 Month WCC

Details: Hepatitis A
Age range: 18 months
What age to start: 18 months
How often to get this: Once

4 Year WCC

Details: Dtap, Polio, MMR, Varicella
Age range: 4 years
What age to start: 4 years
How often to get this: Once

11 Year WCC

Details: Tdap, MCV, HPV9
Age range: 11 years
What age to start: 11 years
How often to get this: Once

16 Year WCC

Details: MCV, Men B
Age range: 16 years
What age to start: 16 years
How often to get this: Once

Cholesterol Screening

Age range: 9 to 11 years
What age to start: 9 years
How often to get this: Once

Covid Vaccine

Age range: Birth to 65+ years
What age to start: Birth
How often to get this: Once per year

Flu Vaccine

Age range: Birth to 65+ years
What age to start: Birth
How often to get this: Once per year

Mental Health Check

Age range: 12 to 65+ years
What age to start: 12+ years
How often to get this: Once per year

Weekly Pregnancy

Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 36 weeks to birth
How often to get this: Weekly

Bi-Weekly Pregnancy

A non-invasive test performed in the third trimester to monitor fetal heart rate and movements, providing insight into fetal well-being.
Details: Non-Stress Test (NST)
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 30 to 36 weeks
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Screening is a prenatal test to detect GBS bacteria in pregnant individuals. If positive your provider can administer antibiotics during labor to prevent transmission to newborns during childbirth, ensuring safer deliveries.
Details: Group B Strep Test
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 3rd Trimester 28+ Wks
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Detailed ultrasound performed around 18-22 weeks to assess fetal anatomy and detect any structural abnormalities.
Details: Anatomy Ultrasound
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 2nd Trimester 14-27 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Invasive procedure to collect a sample of amniotic fluid for genetic testing. The collected fluid contains fetal cells that can be analyzed for various genetic abnormalities, chromosomal disorders (such as Down syndrome), neural tube defects, and certain metabolic disorders.
Details: Amniocentesis
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 2nd Trimester 14-27 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Genetic Tests
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 2nd Trimester 14-27 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Screens for neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities by measuring levels of alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood.
Details: Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 2nd Trimester 14-27 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Syphilis Testing
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 2nd Trimester 14-27 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Glucose Screening (Glucola)
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 2nd Trimester 14-27 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Quad Screen
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 2nd Trimester 14-27 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Gonorrhea/Chlamydia
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: HbA1C (optional)
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: HIV test
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Hepatitis C Test
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Hepatitis B Test
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Syphilis Testing
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Rubella Titer
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Ultrasound
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Pap Smear
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Wks6d
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Details: Urine Test
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Weeks
How often to get this: Once

Monthly Pregnancy

Assess overall health, blood type, and infections
Details: Blood Type and Rh Factor
Age range: Pregnant
What age to start: 1st Trimester 0-13 Weeks
How often to get this: Once

Dental Check Up

Details: Exam & Cleaning
Age range: 2 to 65+ years
What age to start: 2 years
How often to get this: Twice per year