I have always been drawn to medicine, and women’s health in particular. It was not so much a decision but a calling.
I have always worked for CHCs and underserved populations. I enjoy treating patients from all walks of life and believe in the CHC model. We have so many resources to offer our community and believe it is a more complete model of care.
I thoroughly enjoy offering a comprehensive experience to my patients, bringing in different philosophies and approaches to common ailments. I am skilled in surgery should it be necessary, but I individualize my treatments and take logical and conservative steps toward whole health. My main focus is education, allowing my patients the opportunity to fully understand themselves and their bodies. I am continually educating myself on CAM (comprehensive and alternative medicine) techniques, and have surrounded myself professionally with providers of all fields that I trust.
An artist on a tropical beach 🙂
Do you have children? If so, what are their ages?
Yes! I have a daughter that is one and a half years old.
I enjoy spending time with family, neighborhood walks, hikes, art, museums, music, and food.
Favorite book Memoirs of a Geisha. Favorite movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971).