We at Adelante Healthcare recently signed the Unity Pledge.
The Pledge was developed by ONE Community–a member-based coalition of Arizona businesses and individuals dedicated to growing our economy and improving our community by encouraging diverse and inclusive workplaces.
The goal of UNITY Pledge is simple: encourage at least 10,000 Arizona businesses and organizations to stand up for diversity. Businesses and organizations of all sizes who sign the UNITY Pledge publicly join thousands of other businesses and organizations that support workplace equality and equal treatment in housing and hospitality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) individuals.
Most people are unaware that in Arizona and 28 other states, it is still legal to fire someone simply because they are gay or transgender. It is also perfectly legal to discriminate on the same basis for housing and hospitality.
Given Adelante’s mission of serving the community and respecting each individual, signing the Unity Pledge was an easy decision and we’re proud to lend our voice to the effort.
Join us. First educate yourself and take the Pledge. Then, ask your employer or organizations you do business with to take the Unity Pledge.
To learn more, visit the Unity Pledge online at http://www.unitypledge.co/